Based on an Article Published by the New York Times on October 27, 2020
According to new research trends, a U.S. task force is now recommending that adults be screened for colorectal cancer at age 45 rather than the previously recommended age 50. This proposal has not been finalized, as its guidance is followed by doctors, insurance companies, and policymakers. However, growing research is suggesting that adults should be screened earlier; in fact, the American Cancer Society has recommended being screened at age 45 since 2018.
Most colorectal cancers are found in adults 50 and older, but cases diagnosed in those born since the 1950s are increasing. Early-onset cancers are being diagnosed in those as young as their 20s or 30s. Earlier this year, Black Panther star Chadwick Boseman died of colon cancer at age 43. In fact, the American Cancer Society estimates that 12% of colorectal cancers diagnosed this year will be found in those under 50. If these people were screened at age 45 instead of waiting until age 50, it could potentially save thousands of lives.
The screening process for colorectal cancer involves a colonoscopy. A colonoscope is used to examine the large intestine in search of potentially cancerous polyps. During a colonoscopy, these polyps can be removed and tested. The Centers for Gastroenterology performs colonoscopies for patients at several different locations. If you are ready to schedule your colonoscopy, whether it is your first or third, please call your preferred office location at the numbers listed below.
Fort Collins: 970-821-8555
Greeley: 970-378-1414
Loveland: 970-669-5432